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Perfection and many years of experience are our strengths.

Software development and IT projects

Volt, Elektro Stuhl GmbH, Bad Schwartau, Solardach, Carports, Kran, DEMAG Ersatzteile, Elektroschaden-Bewertung, Software Entwicklung, Kranservice, Elektroinstallation, Schaltschrankbau, Reparatur, Aufbau, Installation, Projekte, beste Hände, jahrelange Erfahrungen

Software development requires the definition of clear-cut rules that must be observed and monitored. Even if many programmers find this a nuisance, the structured approach to the software development for projects is important.


The often referred to restriction of the creative mind by rules normally even has a positive effect because high creativeness can be replaced by a structured and team-oriented approach.


We meet these criteria in cooperation with GeBOTek GmbH.

The following activities are usually performed by us in connection with software development projects:


  • Requirement analysis

The customer’s requirements must be defined in every detail, free of contradiction and verifiably. This is documented in the requirement specification.


  • System architecture

The outlines of the system to be developed should be planned at a very early stage in the project. This helps identify the required interfaces, the sections at which standard or external software is required and whether sub-systems must be developed (i.e., partial projects must be initiated).


  • Conceptualization

The concept-developer of the system should make sure that the user interface description is complete, all important interfaces and data structures are described completely and that all business rules are covered.


  • Coding

Only after the requirements on the new systems are laid down completely and cast into a concept, encoding can start. A well commented and clear program code should be developed. In addition, programming guidelines, if in place, should be observed.


  • Testing

The developed code must be tested during and after encoding. This comprises the unit test by the developer, the system test, the integration test and the roll-out. These tests are part and parcel of the analytical quality assurance.


  • Acceptance

The acceptance test is an important milestone in the software development. It marks the end of the development process. The project owner checks to make sure that all requirements have been met and the system performs as expected. This is confirmed by the owner in writing ("System accepted", "System accepted with reservations" (i.e,. re-work), "System not accepted").


  • Production start

Although not directly part of the software development, the production start is performed with assistance of the software developer in many projects.


  • Maintenance

After the system has been in operation for some time, it can be maintained / improved. These activities normally also involve encoding and coordination by change management.


In case of large projects, these activities are much more detailed. Differences are made, for example, between professional and technical concepts as well as coarse and fine-tuning concepts.


In analyzing and conceptualizing the system, we actively involve the owner in the development process as regulating agent.


For example, we represent requirements in graphic design as use cases and the early development of prototypes. Besides, a code will be developed to ensure that it can be maintained later (commenting in the code and documentation outside the code). This process is simplified by the application of programming guidelines. We use very powerful development environments designed for the development of applications in several layers (user interface, business logic, database, ... in separate layers).